As an
SEO firm in Chicago we’re always talking
SEO and we’re
always talking about the importance of content.
When it comes to
search engine optimization, we’re always saying, “Content is king” and we mean it. When
it comes to creating an
SEO strategy there is no better way to boost rankings then
to put out great content. If you’re not
working with an
SEO company and are trying to do
search engine optimization
yourself then you need to be prepared to put on your writer hat. If you’re not the best writer then take note
of our tips for writing better content:
Before you begin writing do the
1- Identify your goal
beforehand: What is the goal of the content you are producing? Identifying what you are looking for from
your reader will help you be able to write better content. Decide what is you want to say and what is
you want your reader to know. What are
you looking to accomplish with your content?
Have your goal in mind beforehand and your content will instantly be
more successful.
2- Consider your
reader: Get in the mindset of your target audience and readers. Consider what they know about your content’s
topic and what they don’t know. Break
things down that may be confusing for them so you don’t lose them. Explain things in a way that you are on their
level rather than being above them.
Think about what they may want to know about your topic and how you can
help them learn your topic better, after all you are writing for search engines AND readers.
3- What’s the hook?: Every
and any piece of content you put out should have a hook, which is how you draw
readers in. Your hook may be a news
hook, an attack hook, a humor hook or an ego hook, but whatever kind of hook
you choose needs to draw readers into your content. Your hook should be woven throughout your content or writing piece.
While you are
1- Create an outline: In order to write better content (especially
if you’re not a writer) consider making an outline first. An outline will help you weed out material
you need not include and will help you better organize your content and your
thoughts. Even seasoned writers will
outline content from time to time.
Outlining should become your first step in the writing process. Once you have a great outline, writing the
rest of your content will become a breeze since you’ve outlined the points you
need to hit with your content. Just go
down your outline and begin writing, the organization will be there.
2- Just write!: If you find yourself constantly editing your
thoughts as you write, stop immediately!
The writing and editing process are two entirely different parts of the
content-creating process. As a rule, write first and edit later. Get as much down as you can
and leave all of your thoughts on the page until you get to the editing process.
If you created your outline like we mentioned in tip #1, then you have probably
already been able to weed out the useless, cluttered information and have organized your thoughts, so don’t be so critical of your writing. Keep what you have and re-read it later.
3- Make it easy to
read: Content built for web is different than any other type of
content. People reading online are
typically scanning, rather than doing any type of deep reading, so you want
your online content to convey your message quickly and concisely. You want your reader to be able to scan your
content and be able to take away the crux of your message very quickly.
4- Be engaging: If you want people to read your content, then you must be engaging. Make them want to read what you put out. One of the best ways to be engaging as a
writer is to use your own voice. You
have to give readers a little bit of you. Write like your content matters to you, as it should. If you want people to care about what you
write, you have to care about what you write, so let your personality shine
through in your writing.
After you are
finished writing:
1- Edit time: Now
is the time to begin the editing process.
Do a thorough re-read and see if any sentences should be omitted or altered. While outlining helps you get your thoughts
organized, editing should help you double check that your writing is organized
the way you want it to be. Spell check,
spell check and spell check again!
2- Read it out loud:
Read your writing out loud and see how it sounds to you. If parts of your writing sound off, make a
note of it and go back to it and figure out the issue. It could be awkward phrasing or perhaps there is
a better word you could be using to describing something. Either way, reading out loud is another form
of editing that every writer should utilize.
3- Have a co-worker
or friend read your content: If you want to make sure your content is
sounding its best, consider having a co-worker or friend read your writing to
proofread it and let you know what they think.
Be open to questions, comments, criticisms and opinions as all four will
only make you a better writer.